Prof. Paul Trowler CV

CV: Prof. Paul Richard Trowler FSRHE.



Google Scholar Page:




Current and Past Posts: 2

Academic and Professional Qualifications: 2

Selected Funded Research and Evaluation Projects: 3

Scholarly Service, Nationally and Internationally prior to the present: 3

Published books. 4

Books and e-books for doctoral students (independently published) 4

Book Chapters. 5

Refereed journal articles. 7

Online outputs. 9

Commissioned reports 9

Invited Keynotes, Consultancies and Masterclasses, 2001-present 10

Doctoral Supervision, Examination, Online Programme Design. 14

Xerte resources for doctoral researchers. 15

Conferences organized. 15

Impact indicators. 16



Specialisms: Policy and change in higher education. Leadership in higher education. Social practice theory and related method/ologies. Enhancement of learning and teaching in higher education. Academic disciplines and cultures. Doctoral education, including online. Ethnography and insider research in higher education.



Current and Past Posts:

2024 to present Professor Emeritus, Lancaster University, UK.


2003 to 2024, Professor of Higher Education, Lancaster University. Director of the Higher Education Research, Evaluation and Enhancement Doctoral Programme


2011 to October 2016 Director, Higher Education Research and Evaluation Centre at Lancaster University (here@lancaster)


2009 to October 2016 Director of Research, Department of Educational Research


2009 to 2012 Postgraduate Research Students’ Tutor (responsible for PGRs and supervisors in the Department), Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University


2003-2006 Head of Department, Department of Educational Research, Lancaster University


2002-2003 Reader in Higher Education, Lancaster University Department of Educational Research


1999-2002 Senior Lecturer, Lancaster University Department of Educational Research


1999 Reader in Higher Education, Department of Education Studies, University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)


1991-1999 Senior Lecturer in Education, Department of Education Studies, UCLan


1990-1991 Senior Lecturer in Education and Training Development, Coventry Technical College. Responsibilities included post-compulsory teacher training (Cert Ed and C&GLI 7307), delivering Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development (CIPD) Certificate and Diploma courses and income generation, mainly through organising short courses and commercial conferences. This teaching was exclusively oriented to adult professionals.


1980–1990 Lecturer, Milton Keynes College. Responsibilities included course leading the C&GLI 7307 (teaching certificate for post-compulsory education) programme, contributing to the Buckinghamshire Cert. Ed. (post-compulsory) course and teaching on a range of CIPD and ‘A’ level courses. This teaching was primarily to adult professionals


1977–1979 Teacher of English as a foreign language to students of all ages. The British Schools Group, Italy.


1976 –1977 Part-time lecturer in Sociology at ‘A’ level Chester College of F.E.


Academic and Professional Qualifications:

PhD (Education) Lancaster University (1996)


M.A. (Politics) Lancaster University (1976)


Cert Ed. (post-compulsory) (Distinction) University of London (1980)


B.A. (Jt. Hons) Sociology/International Relations, C.N.A.A. (Staffs) (1975)


Elected Fellow of the Society for Research into Higher Education (FSRHE)


Elected Fellow of the Academy of the Social Sciences (FAcSS) (Retired).


Selected Funded Research and Evaluation Projects:

·      Co-researcher on QAA Scotland-funded project Responding to Student Voice. 2018.

·      Principal Investigator - Review of HEFCE's strategy on learning and teaching enhancement, HEA-funded. May-December 2013

·      Principal Investigator: Southampton Solent University Strategic Development Project. 2010-2012 (3 years)

·      Principal Investigator: Southampton Solent University Strategic Development Project Depth Case Studies. 2011

·      Principal Investigator, Student Engagement Project LFHE, 2011.

·      Critical Friend Identification and Implementation of Indicators and Measures of Impact of Teacher Preparation Programmes. 2011. UWA, Curtin U, ECU, Australia. Funded by CADAD and Australian Learning and Teaching Council.

·      Principal Investigator, Student Engagement Project, HEA, 2010.

·      Evaluator, Critical Friend and Research consultant to LearnHigher Centre for Excellence in Higher Education (16 Universities), 2007 – 2010.

·      Research consultant to CLIP Centre for Excellence in Higher Education, University of the Arts, London. 2006-2008.

·      Co-Investigator - Evaluation of the Learning and Teaching Support Network (LTSN) (subsequently the Higher Education Academy's Subject Centres) - 3 year evaluation project

·      Co-Investigator - Evaluation of the Scottish Higher Education Quality Enhancement Framework (phase 1) - 3 year evaluation project. 2006-9

·      Co-Investigator - Interim evaluation of the national system of Centres for Excellence in Higher Education (CETLs) - 10 month evaluation project, 2009.

·      Co-Investigator - Evaluation of the Scottish Higher Education Quality Enhancement Framework (phase 2) - 1 year evaluation project 2010.

·      Principal Investigator Higher Education Academy-funded project: Researching “the teaching-research nexus”- 1 year research and development project (2006-7)


Scholarly Service, Nationally and Internationally prior to the present:

·      Member of the Editorial Advisory Board for the journal Higher Education.

·      Journal referee for a range of education journals nationally and internationally, including (for example): Higher Education; Higher Education Research and Development; Studies in Higher Education; Organization; Qualitative Research;

·      Manuscript referee for several publishers.

·      Rapporteur for ESRC

·      Book Review editor for journal Higher Education Quarterly

·      Member of Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Research and Development Committee.

·      Member of the Research Committee of the Staff and Educational Development Association.

·      Co-ordinator of the SRHE Qualitative Research electronic network for researchers into higher education using qualitative, particularly ethnographic, research approaches.


Published books

Trowler, P. (2020) Accomplishing Change in Teaching and Learning Regimes: Higher education and the practice sensibility. Oxford: Oxford University Press.](

Pritchard, C. and Trowler, P. (Eds.) (2018) Realizing Qualitative Research into Higher Education. 2nd Edition. London: Routledge Library Editions.  (

Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Bamber, V. (Eds) (2012) Tribes and Territories in Higher Education: Practices in the 21st Century. London: Routledge. (

Saunders, M., Trowler, P. and Bamber, V. (2011) Reconceptualising Evaluation in Higher Education. Open University Press/SRHE.

Bamber, V., Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Knight, P. (eds) (2009) Enhancing Learning, Teaching, Assessment and Curriculum in Higher Education: theories within practices. Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. (2008) Cultures and Change in Higher Education: Theories and Practices. London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Prichard, C. and Trowler, P. (eds) (July 2003) Realising Qualitative Research in Higher Education. Aldershot: Ashgate (

Trowler. P. (2003) Education Policy: A policy sociology approach (second edition). London: Routledge

Trowler, P. (ed) (2002) Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Becher, T. and Trowler, P. (2001) Academic Tribes and Territories: intellectual enquiry and the cultures of disciplines (2nd edition). Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE.

Knight, P. and Trowler, P. (2001) Departmental Leadership in Higher Education: new directions for communities of practice. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. (1998) Academics Responding to Change: new higher education frameworks and academic cultures. Buckingham. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE

Trowler. P. (1998) Education Policy: A policy sociology approach. London: Routledge.

This list excludes 8 popular and successful ‘A’ level textbooks published between 1984 and 1996, all but one being single-authored. Details of these are here:


Books and e-books for doctoral students (independently published)

Trowler, P. (2024) 10 Key Components of Doctoral Research: Blended resources for alignment and significance. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2024) Doing Insider Research: Blended resources for social science researchers. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2023) Ace Your Doctoral Research and Thesis: Blended resources for social science researchers. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2023) Making Theory Work in Your Doctorate: Blended resources for social science researchers. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2023) Writing Doctoral Project Proposals: Blended resources for social science researchers. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2023) Beyond the doctoral ‘literature review’: Blended resources for social science researchers. Amazon KDP.

Trowler, P. (2016) Doing Doctoral Research into Higher Education…..and getting it right. E-book and paperback available on Amazon.

Trowler, P. (2014) Frequently Asked Questions About Doctoral Research Into Higher Education. E-book or paperback, available on Amazon.

Trowler, P. (2012) Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change. E-book or paperback, available on Amazon. 2nd edition.

Trowler, P. (2014) Supporting Learning Online: The case of "Policy and Change Processes in Higher Education" - A doctoral programme module. Smashwords edition.


Book Chapters

Trowler, P., Bligh, B., Doherty, K., Harding, N., Marsden, R. and Saunders, M. (Forthcoming), Organizational memory and its transmissibility: a case study of the HEREE programme. In Bligh, B. and Cin, M. TBD.

Trowler, P. (2015) Changing the shape and outcomes of student engagement. In M. Klemencic, S. Bergan and R. Primozic, (eds) Student engagement in Europe: Society, higher education and student governance, pp. 163-173. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing. Council of Europe Higher Education series no. 20.

Trowler, P. (2012) Disciplines and Interdisciplinarity: Conceptual groundwork. In Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Bamber, V. (Eds) (Jan 2012).Tribes and territories in the 21st-century: Rethinking the significance of disciplines in higher educationLondon: Routledge. pp 5-29

Trowler, P. (2012) Disciplines and Academic Practices. In Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Bamber, V. (Eds) (2012).Tribes and territories in the 21st-century: Rethinking the significance of disciplines in higher education. London: Routledge. pp 30-38

Trowler, P. (2012) Doing Research: The case of Art and Design. In Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Bamber, V. (Eds) (Jan 2012).Tribes and territories in the 21st-century: Rethinking the significance of disciplines in higher education. London: Routledge.

Trowler, P. (2011) Chapter 2: The Higher Education Policy Context of Evaluative Practices. In Saunders, M., Trowler, P. and Bamber, V. (2011)  Reconceptualising Evaluation in Higher Education. Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. (2011) Chapter 3: National systemic evaluative practice: Power and regulation. In M. Saunders, P. Trowler and Bamber, V. (2011)  Reconceptualising Evaluation in Higher Education. Open University Press/SRHE.

Verity, M. and Trowler, P. (2011) Looking Back and Looking Forward. In Hartley, P. et al (2011) Learning Development in Higher Education. . London: Palgrave.

Trowler, P. (2010) UK Higher Education: Captured by new managerialist discourse? In Meek, V, L., Goedegebuure, L. and Santiago, R., and Carvalho, T. The Changing Dynamics of Higher Education Middle Management. Dordrecht: Springer.

Trowler, P. (2010) Los Academicos en la mejora de la calidad de la docencia y del aprendizaje (Quality Enhancement in Universities). In Consejo de Educacion/Comision Nacional de Acreditation de Chile, Calidad de los Egresados Responsabilidad Institucional Ineludible. Santiago: CdE/CNdA de Chile (Chilean Ministry of Education and the National University Accreditation Commission). pp 49-62.

Main author or contributor to 7 chapters in Bamber, V., Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Knight, P. (eds) (2009) Enhancing Learning, Teaching, Assessment and Curriculum in Higher Education: theories within practices. Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. (2009) Beyond Epistemological Essentialism: Academic Tribes in the 21st Century. In Kreber, C. (ed) Teaching and Learning within and beyond disciplinary boundaries. London: Routledge.(

Trowler, P. (2006) Academic Tribes: their significance in enhancement processes. Proceedings of Utvecklingskonferensen 2005 i Karlstad. Lund: University of Lund, pages 15-24.

Trowler, P. (2004) Communication Media. In M. Haralambos and M. Holborn, Sociology: themes and perspectives. 6th edition. London:

Trowler, P. (2003) Veranderingen in Het Hoger Onderwijs in Theorie en Praktijk (Change in Higher Education in Theory and Practice). In Druine, N., Clement, M. and Waeytens, K. (eds) Dynamiek in Het Hoger Onderwijs (Higher Education Dynamics). Leuven: Leuven University Press. pp 15-30.

Trowler, P. (2002) Introduction: Higher Education Policy, Institutional Change. In P. Trowler (ed) Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. and Knight, P. (2002) Exploring the implementation gap: theory and practices in change interventions. In P. Trowler (ed.) Higher Education Policy and Institutional Change. Buckingham: Open University Press/SRHE.

Trowler, P. (2000) Communication Media. In M. Haralambos and M. Holborn, Sociology: themes and perspectives, 5th edition. London: HarperCollins

Trowler, P. (1996) Academics' Responses to Credit-Based Modularity in an Expanding HE System, in N. Jackson (ed) Modular Higher Education in the UK in Focus. London, Higher Education Quality Council. 17-21.


Refereed journal articles

Ragupathi, K. and Trowler, P. (under review) Mapping Ecologies of Practice: A Framework for Reflective Teaching and Academic Development in Higher Education

Trowler, P. (2024) Tribus y territorios académicosteorías, propósitos y poder analítico. Pensamiento Universitario.

Trowler, P. (2021) Doctoral supervision - Sharpening the focus of the practice lens. Higher Education Research and Development.

Trowler, P. (2015) Higher Education Research: Making a Difference. Guest editor editorial to Special Number of Higher Education Quarterly. 69, 3, 219-220.

Trowler, P. (2015) Student Engagement, Ideological Contest and Elective Affinity: The Zepke thesis reviewed. Teaching in Higher Education. 20, 3, 328-339.

Trowler, P. (2014) Academic Tribes and Territories: the theoretical trajectory. Oesterreichische Zeitschrift fur Geschichtswissenschaften (Austrian Journal of Historical Studies). 25, 3, 1:

Trowler, P. (2013). Practice-focused ethnographies of Higher Education: Method/ological corollaries of a social practice perspective. European Journal of Higher Education. 4, 1, 18-29. Online First version:

Trowler, P., Hopkinson, P and Comerford Boyes, L. (2013) Institutional Change Toward a Sustainability Agenda: How far can theory assist? Tertiary Education and Management, 19, 4. 267-279

Trowler, P. (2013) Depicting and Researching Disciplines: Strong and moderate essentialist approaches. Studies in Higher Education, 39, 10, 1720-1732.

Trowler, P. (2013) Can approaches to research in Art and Design be beneficially adapted for research into higher education? Higher Education Research and Development. 32, 1, 56-69. (

Trowler, P. (2012) Wicked Issues in Situating Theory in Close Up Research. Higher Education Research and Development. 31, 3, 273-284. (

Shreeve, A., Simms, E., and Trowler, P. (2010) A Kind of Exchange: Learning from Art and Design Teaching. Journal of Higher Education Research and Development. 29, 2, 125-138. (

Editor of special number of the International Journal of Educational Research. (47, 3, 2008), including: Trowler, P. (2008) Introduction. International Journal of Educational Research. 47, 3, 149-150.

Fanghanel, J. and Trowler, P. (2008) Exploring Academic Identities and Practices in a Competitive Enhancement Context: a UK-based case study. European Journal of Education. 43, 3, 301-313 (

Trowler, P. and Wareham, T. (2007) 'Reconceptualising the Teaching-Research Nexus'. In HERDSA Proceedings of the Annual HERDSA Conference 2007: Enhancing Higher Education Theory and Scholarship. 8-11 July 2007, Adelaide Australia. ISSN 1441001X. ISBN 0908557728.

Trowler, P. and Bamber, V. (2005) Compulsory Higher Education Teacher Education: joined-up policies; institutional architectures; enhancement cultures. International Journal for Academic Development, 10, 2, 79-93. (

Trowler, P. (2005) A Sociology of Teaching, Learning and Enhancement: improving practices in higher education. Revista de Sociologia, 76. 13-32.

Trowler, P. (2005) Policy and Change: Academic Development Units and the Bologna Declaration. International Journal for Academic Development, 9, 2. 193-198.

Trowler, P., Fanghanel, J. and Wareham, T. (2005) Freeing the Chi of Change: The Higher Education Academy and Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education. Studies in Higher Education, 30, 5. 427-444.

Trowler, P. (2003) Il Regno Unito e lo 'Spazio Europeo dell'istruzione' (The UK and the European Higher Education Space). La Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia. (The Italian Journal of Sociology), 3, 357-370.

Trowler, P. and Cooper, A. (2002) Teaching and Learning Regimes: implicit theories and recurrent practices in the enhancement of teaching and learning through educational development programmes. Higher Education Research and Development, 21, 3, 221-240. (

Trowler, P. and Turner, G. (2002) Exploring the Hermeneutic Foundations of University Life: Deaf academics in a hybrid community of practice. Higher Education, 43, 227-256. (

Trowler, P. (2001) Captured By the Discourse? The Socially Constitutive Power of New Higher Education Discourse in the UK. Organization, 8, 2, 183-201.(

Knight, P. and Trowler, P. (2000) Academic Work and Quality. Quality in Higher Education, 6, 2, 109-114. (

Trowler, P. and Knight, P. (2000) 'Coming to Know' in Higher Education: theorising faculty entry to new work contexts. Higher Education Research and Development. 19, 1, 27-42. (

Knight, P. and Trowler, P. (2000) Department-level cultures and the improvement of learning and teaching. Studies in Higher Education. 25,1, 69-83. (

Knight, P. and Trowler, P. (1999) It takes a village to raise a child: mentoring and the socialisation of new entrants to the academic professions. Journal of Mentoring and Tutoring, 7, 1, 23-34.

Trowler, P. and Knight, P. (1999) Organizational Socialization and Induction in Universities: Reconceptualizing Theory and Practice. Higher Education, 37, 177-195.

Trowler, P. (1998) What Managerialists Forget: higher education credit frameworks and managerialist ideology. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 8, 1, 91-109.

Trowler, P. (1997) Beyond the Robbins Trap: reconceptualising academic responses to change in higher education (or....Quiet Flows the Don?). Studies in Higher Education, 22, 3, 301-318. (

Trowler, P. (1996) Angels in Marble?: accrediting prior experiential learning in higher education. Studies in Higher Education, 21, 1, pp. 17-31. (

Trowler, P and Hinett, K. (1994) Implementing the Recording of Achievement in Higher Education. Capability, 1, 1, pp. 53-61.


Online outputs

(2020) Accomplishing Change in Teaching and Learning Regimes Podcast for The Higher Education Researcher


(2020) After the lockdown: what “the (behavioural) science” tells us.


Commissioned reports

Trowler, V., Trowler, P and Saunders, M. (2018) Responding to Student Voice: Insights into international practice. QAA Scotland

Trowler, P., Ashwin, P. And Saunders, M. (2014) The role of HEFCE in teaching and learning enhancement: a review of evaluative evidence. Report to the Higher Education Academy.

Trowler, V. and Trowler, P. (2011) Reports on Student Engagement to the Leadership Foundation for Higher Education, 2011:

Conceptual overview.

            Synthesis of findings.

            Resource kit for leaders.

Trowler, V. and Trowler, P. (2010) Reports on Student Engagement to the Higher Education Academy.

            Evidence summary

            International literature review (authored by Vicki Trowler)

            Framework for action for institutional decision-makers

            Framework for action for policymakers

            Set of case studies

            Executive summary               

Trowler, P. and Wareham, T. (2007) Reports on the 'Teaching-Research Nexus' Project to the Higher Education Academy. Deconstructing and Reconstructing the Nexus. Reconceptualising the nexus and Tribes, Territories and the nexus. 

Trowler, P. (2011) Researching your own institution, British Educational Research Association on-line resource.

Trowler, P., Saunders, M. and Knight, P. (2002) Change Thinking, Change Practices: A guide to change for heads of department, subject centres and others who work middle-out. York: Learning and Teaching Support Network.


Invited Keynotes, Consultancies and Masterclasses, 2001-present

Keynote speech Catholic University of Portugal, Porto, 31 March 2022. Enhancing Learning and Teaching Through the Practice Lens.

Symposium Accomplishing Change in Teaching and Learning Regimes. Funded by the Irish National Forum. Athlone, 15 June 2021.

Online workshop on Engaging with the Literature 2 December 2020 for York St John University.

Blog: Trowler, P. Departmental blog: After the lockdown: what “the (behavioural) science” tells us.   (2020)

Podcast: Accomplishing Change in Teaching and Learning Regimes Podcast for The Higher Education Researcher  (2020)

Workshop on Enhancing Change Processes in Higher Education: What can the ubiquity of PowerPoint tell us about the value of the social practice theory of change? Aarhus University, 18 May 2017.

Workshop on Ten Key Components of Doctoral Research, including ‘The 90 Minute PhD’ and ‘Open Mic’ sessions. University of Huddersfield, 13 August 2016.

 Keynote Speech and expert panel discussant: Centres of Excellence and the Dynamics of Change Processes in Higher Education. November 4/5 2015, Oslo. NOKUT.

Expert Panel Member, Oct-Dec 2015: Irish Teaching Expert Awards, The National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning, Ireland.

Keynote Speech: Do Academic Tribes and their Territories Still Matter? Keele University, October 21, 2015.

Masterclass Building Engagement for Enhancement Initiatives, Sheffield Hallam University, June 29, 2015.  

Masterclass "Researching Tribes and Territories". University of Veracruz, Mexico. October 23, 2014.

Masterclass "Ethnographies of Higher Education After the Practice Turn". University of Veracruz, Mexico. October 22, 2014.

Keynote "Has the academic tribes and territories thesis outlived its usefulness?" University of Veracruz, Mexico. October 21, 2014.

Café Scientifique, Robert Gillow, Lancaster: Talk and discussion on HEFCE’s interventions to enhance learning and teaching in England. June 2014.

Keynote "Illuminating the Concept of Student Engagement." To Symposium at Lancaster University 22 May 2014: 50 Years on from Robbins: the emerging centrality of student engagement and partnershipOn YouTube

Keynote "Academic Tribes and Territories Reconsidered". University of Graz, Austria, April 28 2014

Keynote to University of Derby July 2013. Great Expectations in Hard Times On YouTube

Keynote on student engagement to Blackpool and the Fylde College University Centre, August 29, 2013

Keynote to Prague conference on ethnographies in higher education. 22-24 May 2013  

Keynote on student engagement to Sheffield Hallam Learning and Teaching conference, 22 March 2013

Keynote to UCBC Blackburn on student engagement, 7 May 2012.  On YouTube

Keynote to Higher Education Close Up 6, Rhodes University, South Africa, 11-13 July 2012. On YouTube

Keynote to Liverpool John Moores University Learning and Teaching Conference: Engaging Students: Concepts, practices, resources. 12 June 2012.

Delivery of public seminar to Oxford University's Learning Institute, October 20, 2011.

Keynote Speech to the EFMD annual conference, Budapest, Hungary, October 5-7, 2011. (On student engagement).

Delivery of public seminar to Oxford University's Learning Institute, October 20, 2011.

Keynote Speech to educational development colloquium, Gothenburg. September 20-21, 2011.

MasterClass to the University of the Sunshine Coast, Queensland, Australia. July 1, 2011.

Keynote Speech to Higher Education Research and Development Association Annual Conference, Gold Coast, Australia, 4-7 July 2011. (On academic cultures). On YouTube

Keynote Speech to educational development colloquium, Gold Coast, Australia, 7-8 July 2011. (On evaluating educational development in the UK).

MasterClass to the University of Queensland, Australia. July 13, 2011.

MasterClass to Griffith University, Australia. July 13, 2011.

Invited paper to Symposium - Mobility, Language, Literacy Cape Town, South Africa, 19-21 Jan 2011.

Invited paper to Colloquium: Dynamic Content and Language Collaboration in Higher Education: theory, research and reflections. 17-18 January 2011. Cape Town, South Africa.

Keynote to NUS/HEA conferences Student Engagement: Evidence and Practice London and Manchester November 15 and 18 2010. Title: Frameworks for Action: implementing student engagement initiative.

Wicked Issues in Situating Theory in Close Up Research. Keynote to Higher Education Close Up 5 Conference, Lancaster University, July 2010.

Systemic Evaluation Practices and Quality Assurance. Keynote. The Higher Council of Education (Consejo Superior de Educación, CSE) and the National Commission for Accreditation (Comisión Nacional de Acreditación, CNA), XIII Annual International Conference. Santiago, Chile. October 21-22, 2009

Systemic Evaluation Practices. Keynote. European Symposium on Evaluative Practices, University of Fribourg. Switzerland. June 5th, 2009

The Re-Organization of Higher Education in Europe. Milan. Invited colloquium. May 2009

The Teaching-Research Nexus. University of Galway, Ireland. 7 and 8 April 2009

Carrick Fellowship Evaluation, University of Sydney, Dec 4-11 2008.

Keynote speech to University of Central Lancashire Conference Academic Identities in Crisis?, 4-6 Sept, 2008

Keynote speech to Chester University's annual staff conference, May 2, 2008

Visiting Professorship, NIFU, Oslo, February 2008.

Visiting Professorship to Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town. Funded by National Research Foundation. November 2007.

Keynote speech iPED Conference, Researching Academic Futures. 10-11 Sept 2007, Coventry University.

Invited papers to the University of Southern Australia (UNiSA), Adelaide, 12, 13, 16 and 17 July 2007 to, respectively: Research Students, School of Communications; Deans of Teaching and Learning; Academic Staff; Writing Workshop two day residential for academic staff.

Paper and workshop for Edinburgh University Teaching and Learning Advisory Group. 11 June 2007.

Invited paper to Duoro Seminar, Portugal, May 2007

Presentation to University of Pretoria Teaching and Learning in Higher Education Forum, 28 November 2006

Visiting Professorship to Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town. Funded by National Research Foundation. November 2006.

Leicester University 15 Sept 2006 Teaching Enhancement Forum keynote speech

University of the Arts, London, 11 July 2006: Are There Disciplinary Differences in Teaching and Learning?

City University, London, 18 April 2006. Presentation to E-Learning Champions.

SRHE Academic Practice Network, London, 28 February 2006. Discussant.

Thames Valley University, London, 27 February. Invited Lecture: Researching teaching and learning cultures.

Salford University Keynote speech: Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education: illuminating

enhancement efforts. Learning and Teaching Research Network Conference Education in a Changing Environment. 12-13 January 2006.

Karlstad University, Sweden, Developments in Higher Education conference Utvecklingskonferensen för Högre Utbildning 2005): Keynote speech, 16-18 November 2005.

Visiting Professorship to Cape Peninsula University of Technology, Cape Town. Funded by National Research Foundation. November 2005.

City University, London. Invited talk to CHESS seminar, 28 September 2005 Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education: cultures, context and the enhancement of teaching and learning.

Leicester University. Invited talk to launch of the Teaching Enhancement Forum, 15 September 2005:

Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: socio-cultural theory and change processes.

University of Edinburgh. June 10 2005. Beyond Epistemological Essentialism. Invited talk to a colloquium organized by the Centre for Teaching, Learning and Assessment in conjunction with the Department of Higher and Community Education at the University of Edinburgh

University of Cape Town, South Africa: invited talk to the Centre for Higher Education Development (CHED): Rethinking Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education: lessons from South Africa. 11 March 2005.

Cape Peninsula University of Technology, South Africa invited seminar at the Work Integrated Learning Research Unit (WILRU). 11 11 March 2005

University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, invited talk to Quality Support Unit, 9 March 2005: Levels of Intervention in Quality Promotion Initiatives.

University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, invited talk to School of Education, Pietermaritzburg, 9 March 2005: Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education.

University of KwaZulu Natal, South Africa, invited talk to School of Education, Edgewood, 4 March 2005: Academics Responding to Change.

University of Cape Town, South Africa. Invited talk to the School of Education, February 2005. Teaching and Learning Regimes in Higher Education.

University of Rhodes, South Africa, 6 December 2004 Reinventing the University: visions and hallucinations. Keynote speech to the Rhodes Centenary celebration conference Reinventing the University.

Sweden, 29 November 2004. Compulsory Higher Education Teacher Training: joined-up policies; institutional architectures; enhancement cultures. Keynote speech to conference of Swedish Universities, Lund. On YouTube

University of Lund, Sweden, 26 November 2004. Seminar presentation to Larande Lund group: Changing Practices: the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Universities

University of Cape Town, 15 September 2003 Change Thinking and the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning. Higher Education Seminar, UCT

University of Cape Town and University of the Western Cape, South Africa. 6 Sept - 19 Sept 2003, design and assistance in delivery of module Institutional Change and Organizational Development in Higher Education for an MA in Higher Education Policy Analysis, Leadership and Management (PALM).

University College Dublin, May 2003 Qualitative Methodologies in Teaching and Learning Research

Oslo University MPhil in Higher Education Presentations, 15 and 16 May 2003

Durham University, 14 March 2003 Change Thinking, Change Practices

Westminster University, 12 March 2003 Researching Academics and Change in Universities

University of Leuven, Belgium. February 2003 Keynote speech: Change Thinking, Change Practices.

Oxford University, 13 February 2003 Insider Research Close Up: the case of 'Academics Responding to Change'

University of West of England, 16th January, 2003. Enhancing Teaching and Learning in Higher Education.

Bristol University 22 November 2002: Discussant for ESRC-funded seminar Towards a Sociology of Higher Education

Manchester November 1 2002 Academic Tribes, Their Territories and Teaching and Learning. TQEF Annual Conference, Manchester Conference Centre - 'Learning from FDTL: Making a Difference'

Edinburgh University research group on Enhancing Teaching and Learning Environments in Undergraduate Courses (TLRP-funded research project), April 2002.

Edinburgh University Doctoral Programme, April 2002

University of Ulster, Jordanstown Campus, March 2002

City University Higher Education Seminar Series (CHESS) January 2002: Changing Higher Education: cultures, structures and agency.

University of Mauritius on the implementation of quality assurance and ICT strategies during a period of change (March, 2001).


Doctoral Supervision, Examination, Online Programme Design

Designed and teach online Doctoral Course: Enhancing Higher Education: Policy and change processes. Highly structured to promote networked learning in high quality research.

Designed and taught residential Doctoral Course: Policy, Change and Organizational Processes (since renamed).

Supervised over 40 doctoral students to successful completion, 2000-2024[1]

External examiner for 22 candidates[2]

Internal examiner for many more than 30 candidates. 

Previously - External examiner to Edinburgh University's Doctoral Programme in Education


Xerte resources for doctoral researchers


Conferences organized  

Convenor of the SRHE Higher Education Close Up electronic network for researchers into HE who use fine-grained qualitative methods. 1998-2018.

On the organizing Committee of Higher Education Close Up 8, Lancaster University, July 18-20 2016.

Organizing Committee Chair, Higher Education Close Up 7, Lancaster University July 21-23 2014

On the organizing Committee of Higher Education Close Up 6, Rhodes University, South Africa 11-13 July  2012

On the organizing Committee of Higher Education Close Up 5, Lancaster University 20-22 July  2010

On the organizing Committee of Higher Education Close Up 4, University of Cape Town, South Africa 26-28 June 2008

Organizing Committee Chair, Higher Education Close Up 3, Lancaster University, July 2006 (an international conference)

On the organizing Committee of SRHE annual Conference, Edinburgh, December 2005

Organizing Committee Chair, Higher Education Close Up 2 Lancaster 2001

Organizing Committee Chair, Higher Education Close Up 1 Preston 1998

 Finally, I have presented very many conference papers at a variety of conferences, but these are excluded for reasons of brevity. In almost every case they have become journal articles, or are based on articles, listed above.


Impact indicators

Member of Department of Educational Research and co-author of one of its two REF 2021 impact case studies. The REF result was that 100% of the Department’s research impact was rated as 4 star; ‘outstanding’:

The relevant case study was ‘Evaluating and enhancing the quality of learning and teaching in higher education’. It showed how the Department’s research (including mine) significantly enhanced the quality of teaching and learning in higher education (HE) nationally and internationally by:

·      shaping national policies aimed at evaluating and enhancing learning and teaching internationally

·      informing the development of institutional and practitioner approaches to the enhancement and evaluation of learning and teaching internationally.

My co-authored book (2001) Academic Tribes and Territories is well-known in the field and has over 10,000 citations.


[1] Doctors: Aisha Aljendan; Pete Alston; Mariam Alkalbani; Ziad Auodi; Sinead Baldwin; Veronica Bamber; Helen Baron; Rachid Bendriss; Fiona Boyle; Phil Carey; Lawrence Chauke; Eileen Corley; Beth Crossan; Liz Dempsey; Rumona Dickson; Michael Doyle; Hilary Duckett; Joelle Fanghanel; Nuala Harding; Ola Hosny; Christine Howling; Andrew Hollyhead; Peter Hourdequin; Becky Lees; Neil Lent; Bernard Lisewski; Rhonda Lobb; Susan Mathieson; Tim McLernon; Georgia McCrone; Dermot O’Donovan; Nicolette Michels; Don Passey; David Peet; Kiruthika Ragupathi; Liz Royle; Lois Smith; Eloise Symonds; Rebecca Tam; Elaine Tan; Nancy Turner; Julie Voce; Michael Webster; Sadie Williams.

[2] Aarhus U; Bath U; Bristol U; U Cape Town; Edinburgh U; Huddersfield U; U Kwa-Zulu Natal (twice); Leicester U; Leeds U; London Institute of Education (twice); Loughborough; Melbourne U; Open University; Plymouth U; Pretoria U; Rhodes U; Sheffield U; Southampton U (twice); U of The Western Cape.